I've been waiting and praying for God to give me one of those close moments with him, a moment when I can feel him right next to me. That moment happened kind of at an awkward time on Friday but happened nonetheless. :) I was driving to visit my mom and listening to Hosanna by Hillsong on repeat. I was overcome with this intense feeling of happiness as I was worshiping, my cheeks were actually hurting because I was filled with such Joy and could not stop smiling as I was singing. Then I focused really closely on one of the verses I was singing. "everything I am for your kingdoms cause." Everything I am. Everything. My life is dedicated to God. So quickly my smiles turned into sobs. Deep, uncontrollable sobs. How lucky are we that our God is such a loving God. Amazing, amazing love and how cruel are we that we turn out backs to him. Hosanna in the highest is my cry of gratitude to God for rescuing me. My adoration to my awesome, amazing, loving God. I was crying because I just can't fathom his love and I feel so unworthy. After all the smiles and crying I spent the night praising the Lord and reading his word. It was awesome. I love moments like those, God just filled my heart with joy and hope. He fills every void in my heart and I'm so thankful.
I was in kind of a weird mood today. I've just been really emotional the last couple of days and I was letting it get the best of me. As I was worshiping this morning at church I just felt like my heart wasn't into it. I prayed that God would quickly change my attitude and as I finished my prayer the next song that came on was Hosanna. The song that I sang over and over again this weekend and had such a big impact on me. I had been hoping that I would get to sing it today in church and then we did. God answers even little prayer requests like this. :)
I'm off to bed, busy week ahead of me. I'd rather not talk about it. Speaking of bad attitudes, I've got an extremely bad attitude towards school right now. uuggghh.
K now play the video I posted below and pay attention to the lyrics. It's beautiful! HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST.